Some weird anomalies in Level 5...


So I was doing my thing, killing Golems, when I thought: "Wait a minute, these things are made of metal, surely they'd be very vulnerable to the lightning traps?"

I proceeded to the hallway barred by lightning, and forced the golem to backstep into it. It went completely rigid. I thought it might have died but been held there by the lightning, so I tried to loot the corpse... No luck.

After beating it senseless for a while, it dropped the halberd, but remained upright and unlootable... After some fiddling about I managed to release it from the lightning, and it stood up and started swinging at me as though it had an invisible halberd in its hands. It was slapping me in the face without any damage whatsoever. When I went in to combat mode and faced it, things started to get weird. As my character went to block, he would inflate and stretch to half the size of the screen, then shrink back down and I would go flying around. I messed around like this for half an hour, appreciating the incredible physics and graphic at 120fps on my 5-year old computer...

I accidentally punched the golem to death, so I went and lured another one. After I replicated the invisible halberd glitch again and went to block the attacks, my character flew all the way off the screen and I was interrupted by error message after error message. I'm about to check if my save file is still working :p

Getting slapped

Weird stretching


I also captured a video of when I flew off screen and crashed. I'll see if I can convert it to a gif at some point.


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