PS4 Release?


So I just got my PS4 today. And I was thinking, since the PS4 Controller has a touchpad, this game might actually be quite suited for the PS4. Because the combat is being handled by the mouse strokes you make. You can do the same strokes on the PS4 Controller touchpad. And having 8 cores and all physic calculations shouldn't be much of a problem for the PS4.


PS4 = developers must spend a lot of time porting the game to a new platform. I don't see a dev team with less than 10 people doing such a thing. Especially considering they are already on a tight schedule. After release Bare Mettle will be busy adding all of the content they didn't have time to put in at release and patching bugs.


this kind of game is not for console.. maybe steamos.. next thing.. megacorp like sony or m$ dosnt invest in to game like SG ;)


But if you play this with a PS4 controller, all you will only have 7 buttons and a stick. You wont be able to reach R1/2, X,C,T,S and the right stick very easily, also I'm imagining playing with a touchpad will be very difficult.


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