Grand list of dev quotes on features

I saw that a lot of suggestions were being repeated, so here is a list of all things already confirmed and denied by devs. Green is confirmed, red is denied, yellow is maybe, white is other. If you find anything I missed or if anything new comes up, please PM me.



Initially we will have multiplayer LAN. This will not be an MMO like UO, it's just not really possible (we adored UO btw). If and when we introduce online play will be more along the lines of but hopefully with some additional nice features.
Either way this is ultimately irrelevant at this point, it's merely speculation. Right now we don't have the resources to even consider online play as a reality. For the forseeable future we can limit ourselves to the single player / LAN aspects of this game.
Killing Everyone:

We're certainly not planning to introduce any of these things. My comment on the rating was basically a joke and the point was that we're not targeting any specific rating. We're definitely not trying to push any censorship boundaries. Inevitably it will feature relatively graphic violence and being able to kill anyone is just part of the game unless you break the whole physics and realism aspect of it.


Heh, the only "rating" we're going for is not banned!

Personally I can't imagine sex being anything but silly in the context of this game.

Elderly Characters:

Elderly people is something that we hope to have. Our physique system allows using any number of morph targets to be used for a body shape and we could also play with the physics here.

Child Characters:

Our discussions on this topic have always ended in "no children". Consider also that we intend to have a believable reputation system (someone must witness or discover what you did and also recognise you for plausible reasons). It's sad to have no children but we also don't want to make a game where you can abuse them.

Such moral issues inevitably come up when making a realistic simulated world. We wouldn't want our game to be preachy but I do think it would cool if it was possible convey the pain and suffering that cruel actions can cause. In practice I don't think that would be easy to do but we don't intend to reward the player for being cruel. Killing people shouldn't just be funny or inconsequential.

Respawning NPC's:

That's totally core to our philosophy and part of what all the dynamic story stuff supports. No unkillable NPCs, no respawning NPCs, nothing like that. It's much more than just annoying, it very much hurts immersion and the whole idea that what you do matters.


Any copy of the game you get from us will be DRM free. We will give you a product key that will allow you to download the latest version of the game directly from us at any time as well patches, free DLC etc.

We don't use any 3rd party technology at all for physics, I built the physics engine from scratch. This goes for everything else too.


Technically an alpha version of the game would be one that provides the complete gameplay experience but lacks polish and still has many placeholder elements. We'll release something as soon as we think it's in a decent playable state even if content wise we still have quite some way to go. I think Tony's estimate is reasonable but hopefully we can get it to you a little sooner and if we can we will.

Multiple Worlds:

The idea is that you create a world instance and a character and yes, you can create new world instances and drop an existing character in. Difficulty scaling is something we're still not entirely sure about but it might take you a few play throughs before you can deal with some really hard fights. It's partly up to you how difficult the game is.


We'll allow pausing when in single player but you won't be able to do anything at all within the game while paused. Doing anything with your inventory or talking to people etc. will certainly not pause the game or prevent normal controls from working.

Liquid Physics:

We initially went for something more like that but without the blood actually sticking to things but just dissapearing it looked silly. We plan on adding decals but doing it properly takes some work, we couldn't get that done in time for the update.

Vibrant Colors:

Games often use under saturated or over saturated colours. This is a stylistic choice but can also be an excellent way of masking poorly made graphics. Even photography rarely has natural colours these days.

We have a strong background in photo-realistic architecture (cultural heritage) and luxury goods and the aim is always high fidelity. Colours don't have to look good, they have to be _exact_. This is always how we work, as much as possible we try to create something indistinguishable from the real thing and colour is often more important than anything else. Also if you give someone who works in fashion or luxury cars the wrong colours they will crucify you.

With the notable exceptions of flowers and modern chemistry and manufacturing, vivid colours are quite rare but when they are appropriate we won't shy from using them.

Large Worlds:

The "world" is going to be relatively small in scale but we'll try to make it as varied as possible as long as it doesn't compromise realism.
When we say relatively small we mean relatively. The word "world" seems quite deceptive in this context, we're definitely not making a planet with continents. Probably it will end up being similar in scale to the recent Elder Scrolls games. The tricky thing is that we likely want to add a fair amount of content after release and we definitely don't want any invisible barriers, just natural ones.


I loved the original Thief games. Awesome gameplay. I really hope we can capture some of that in SG. Hiding in shadows, being careful not to make loud noises, hiding bodies etc. These are definitely things we'd like to have in the game. I personally find stealth skills in RPGs quite silly but the stealth gameplay of the Thief games was great.

Healing Potions:

"Healing potions" beyond perhaps something that might slightly improve your natural gradual recovery definitely have no place in this game. Also remember this is essentially a low fantasy setting...


As for dismemberment our idea is that while it might not kill instantly it would still kill pretty quickly. Not something you can recover from.

Object Destruction:

Breaking stuff is definitely something we'd like to do, it's fun and adds realism. I have some ideas on how to break things that goes beyond just exploding them into pieces. We're unlikely to use a fully procedural system however so every object that can be broken would require more work. How many things you'll be able to break really depends, it's priority but not an essential feature.

Rigid Quest / Reward Mechanics:

This game will not feature rigid quest / reward mechanics. Someone might promise to reward you for completing a task but that's only worth as much as their promise until they deliver. Basically you're free to do anything with the information you're given, you're not necessarily rewarded for doing things. You should set your own goals and decide on the best way to achieve them, hoarding money isn't necessarily of any interest to you.

NPC Relationships:

Take the witch example. There is the assumption that you are in fact able to kill the witch, or that the authorities are able to capture her. If she's a thaumaturge she's unlikely to just let either one happen, she will most likely fight for her life or attempt to flee. It's possible that someone might decide to follow you but you'd need to make quite an impression or provide them with a serious incentive for them to abandon their current life to join you. They will then constantly reevaluate whether there isn't something better they could be doing. If they are killed in battle, that's it, they're dead.

Either way, everything here would be very circumstantial, you can't reduce any one event or behaviour down to some mechanic. There are many factors influencing every decision an NPC makes.

Persistent Multiplayer:

The idea is that you and your friends drop your characters in a (persistent) world instance and just do whatever you want. Whether you cooperate or duel or whatever else is entirely up to you.

If and when we introduce online elements we plan to to allow forming smaller parties for online play and introduce some more global elements such as PvP arenas with spectating players.
NPC Groups / Mercenaries:

We want AI whether for combat, dialogue or anything else to function in relation to groups as well as individuals (the two things can be conceptually abstracted by AI). Even in single player you may be able to join, lead or form bands of mercenaries, for example.
Friendly Fire:

Even if you are cooperating a stray swing of your friend's weapon will still hurt, thaumaturgy affects everything etc.

Fighting Skill:

We definitely want skill, item qualities (i.e. how well balanced a weapon is) and other factors to interact with animations via the physics. This doesn't just concern weapons but also shields and armours. The armour skill is largely there to counter the detrimental effects of wearing a lot of heavy gear.

Combat and character movement in general still have a long way to go, what we've done so far is build the foundations for the animation system and character physics.

Special Moves:

We have considered more complex control systems many times but the combat is already fun and very skillful as it is. Our intention is to keep the controls simple so that you can focus on how you move and swing rather than what key you press. Many people don't like fiddly control systems, myself included. That said we do plan to have more attacks and special moves. For example we want thrust or other targeted attacks to be performed by clicking and then holding the mouse button down while aiming with the cursor.

Full Realism:

In general our aim is to only provide mechanics that are fun and fit with the pace of the game rather than going for realism on all fronts.


Resting sounds like one of those things that could become tedious. What if you're somewhere where resting safely is simply not possible?

Food / Hunger:

The same goes for food, it might seem like an interesting mechanic at first but in our experience it eventually just gets tedious. Sometimes you just want to do something more interesting than procuring food for your character.


Settings things on fire on the other hand definitely fits into the fun category. We want fire to be pretty spectacular, just started doing something here but it's still basic, might be able to sneak something simple into a video soon.

Natural Disasters:

Natural disasters of any significant scale is not something that we've ever really considered.

Full Destruction:

Collapsing whole buildings is not something we're aiming to do. The odd wall, sure. A whole building is another matter entirely.

Non-Linear Campaign:

The game world can undergo some pretty drastic changes as a result of what might happen in a playthrough, at least that's our intent.

Turn Based Combat:

Combat will be strictly real time. Don't forget we also want this game to be multiplayer. There's plenty of scope for tactics, in our opinion pausing would just spoil the gameplay (some games come to mind).

Slowing Time:

Slowing time could be interesting but we're not convinced about actually putting in the game.

Caravans / Horses / Fast Travel:

Sorry, I was merely replying on the issue of fast travel and ignored other possible means of travel. Caravans (and the inevitable bandit attacks) and mounts are definitely something we'd like to have in the game, though I can't say I'm looking forward to implementing equestrian and riding physics, muchly. That said these will have nothing to do with fast travel. You are always in game, whether riding a caravan, engaged in conversation or whatever else.

Text Based Dialogue / Voice Acting:

Dialogue will be text based, voice would be too restrictive in terms of the quantity, choice and dynamic qualities of dialogue. That said we are still considering giving NPCs voices by having them speak greetings or short phrases. We potentially have access to a large number of skilled voice actors. We will get your feedback on this.

In terms of volume of dialogue we want to leave this largely up to the player. You can be very brief but if you push NPCs for more information the dialogue can extend significantly.

Ideally we want to give you a broad choice of things to say to anyone. This would be done by providing a large volume of possible preset questions and statements and a choice of attitudes to adopt. NPCs would react to what you're saying and how rather than just answer you. They might get annoyed even just by the volume or repetitiveness of what you say.
Persusasion / Influencing NPCs:

Edit: Forgot to reply to hredthel. The basic idea is that actions count for more than words. You can influence people and change their attitude towards you but just saying something doesn't make it happen, doing it does. Same with telling / persuading someone else to do something, they might inted to do it but you or someone else could still prevent them. Anything could happen...

Yeah, our game revolves around the adventuring life, you will have plenty of freedom but the context is essentially limited to that. Our general idea is that we want to avoid anything schematic and make this almost more a simulation than a game. Making this role subset realistic is already a lot of work, making any role realistic is just too much work. It would be great to make a realistic simulated world where you can do absolutely anything and maybe with time we can take more steps in that direction but for now we have to be realistic about what we can actually deliver.

Alternate Campaigns:

We have considered game modes where you are not a thaumaturge and we think this could be an interesting alternative experience. I don't remember where exactly I made that statement about killing "Porky" but I believe what I said is that you may need thaumaturgy or perhaps some help (as in from other characters). We intend many encounters in the game to be optional and extremely difficult to beat. Making a poweful character, multiplayer or getting some help from NPCs should be things you do in order to accomplish some really difficult things. Porky doesn't represent the hardest opponent you may face by any means, it is possible to beat him as is though you need a little luck and we believe shields may go a long way to making this easier.


Note that shields have an entire skill dedicated to them and you will have few precious skills.
Shields will definitely be added and probably soon.


We already have basic parrying. You can move in 8 directions relative to the cursor with WASD and this is a huge component of combat already. AI also uses the same steps to actively dodge attacks and perform lunges.


As for rolling we have considered it but this is something that would need some testing. Your weapons and anything else you're wearing would indeed not just go through the ground in our game, it could get messy.

Playable Non-Human Races:

Ours is at heart a low fantasy world. Other races are nothing like humans, they have drastically different intelligences and psychologies. Non human races with societies similar to that of humans don't fit in with our world design. That said our universe does potentially support it.

We have considered making at least one other race playable but adding enough depth to this to make it viable would be a lot of work. If we didn't put a lot of care into it it would just be silly.


Humblerbee, I admire your ability to capture our vision.

Currently we don't have real plans for player crafting beyond perhaps some consumable items. Indeed to include player crafting it would have to be realistic and this may require significant effort and perhaps even a large deviation from the current direction of the game. On the other hand having professional craftsmen within the world produce objects based on player design is something we have explored in much detail.

Companions / Enemies:

There will be a great many unique non player characters in the world and some of them may choose to follow you. Whether they become friends or enemies or are simply indifferent is completely circumstantial, there may however be some predisposed for this role. The game is not specifically designed to have a persistent party of companions. If they perish they will not return to life, or at least not as they were. Ultimately no character (or creature) is special, all are subject to the same rules and the physical laws of the universe.

Hit Points:

Hi Jim, we all very much agree with hitpoints being a tired mechanic.

Locational Damage:

All damage is locational, some weapons and attacks will allow accurate targeting, and so will powers. Armour will also cover specific body parts rather than confer some kind of defence, different body parts will naturally have different vulnerabilities.

You will definitely only control a single character but you may have people fighting alongside you. In some fights you may well need the support.

Dynamic Music:

Seems like a good place for me to jump in.

Agreed, music is important and should be tailored to suit the mood set by environments and events in game. Agreed, music needs to be dynamic, long pieces of music playing on repeat doesn't cut the mustard, especially not for this game.

We have considered many ways to implement a functional and dynamic musical system and it is still somewhat of a work in progress. Madoc has already coded a loop (I use the term loop lightly, they may just be individual blocks of music that can't actually loop repeatedly without sounding rubbish, but I'll refer to them as loops here for ease) based tool with a nice, simple interface that I can use for linking the loops together in a dynamic way that makes sense for a game. So far it works better with shorter loops that can repeat easily, rather than long, sprawling orchestral ones that can't. We plan to introduce many more advanced features though, allowing us to set strict conditions as to when a loop can play, how it will fade in/out or link directly, what other loops can precede or follow it, how many times it can repeat (if at all) etc. The loops will then be grouped by mood, location, activity etc. allowing us to have a highly dynamic and reactive score that will hopefully remain seamless and easy on the ear even on the Nth playthrough. Sounds ambitious but we are confident it can be done without too many problems.


We will do whatever we can to make this possible but we're not yet comfortable with promising a complete modding solution. Some of the more advanced features currently require significant technical knowledge and providing a broad user friendly experience could prove challenging. Please consider that our resources are limited.


I haven't really thought that far yet, to be honest. We're still laying the groundwork for how interaction works, so the possibilities of that interaction haven't been really defined. I can tell you that Sui Generis will not be a medieval dating sim, but that's really as far as I've gone in the conversations we've had.

Animal Attacks:

I've talked a little with Madoc about this, because it matters in early-game quest building and it's important to the tone. Right now we're not planning on having aggressive wolfpacks in the game, because that sort of fantasy-world aggression is very much counter to their RL nature. I think the largest "normal" predator you'll encounter is a bear, and we aren't planning right now on including any big cats. Boars perhaps - they fit the setting and RL ones are surprisingly ornery in the wild.

All of this is subject to dramatic change, of course... so far I've only been involved in a couple of short brainstorming-type conversations about it.

Living NPCs:

The idea that your actions matter, and that NPCs do what they are doing for believable reasons regardless of whether you're around, are two core ideas for the game.

Fetch Quests:

I am specifically not writing generic "go get the x" quests and hanging them on NPCs. If someone needs something, it'll make sense given the NPC's occupation or goals, and there's no guarantee he'll even ask you to retrieve it.

Ambiguous Evil:

One of the hallmarks of Abercrombie's series is the ambiguity of 'evil' and the subversion of the fantasy idea of the binary good / evil choice. I hope to carry that through the dialog. In general, nothing will be as simple and straightforward as that. We're looking to offer you freedom of choice, and enforce the consequences upon you and the world. Whether you choose actions that you consider "evil" is really not something we're looking to draw a big red circle around and start labeling. Horns will not grow from your head after you've stabbed the requisite number of innocent NPCs, is what I'm saying. :)

Dark Environments:

Dark environments will be... dark!

Unique Locations:

Hey Hredthel, sorry for the late reply.
Well, I don't like repetitions and seeing the same building over and over again either.
We want every location to be unique and have it's own story. Obviously the style of the world has to be consistent so you will see buildings or little houses built in a very similar style in the same area, some small houses or shacks will repeat now and then, but nothing significant will be reused.
Again for the underworld, every part of it has its own history and a story to tell so we won't use the same exact structure again. We have a cool dungeon editor to design dungeons very quickly, what would be the point if we only make 3 dungeons and we just repeat them... :)

Historical Accuracy:

The game is not set in mediaeval Europe. There are reasons for the similarity but it's not the real thing. Historical accuracy is not an aim but we have taken a lof from the period also just because of the depth and realism we can gain from using a real life example of a civilisation with that level of technological development etc.
Something along those lines yes. We won't make it overly realistic because that would just be too complicated, money was messy business in the middle ages. I guess we will scale up from the cheapest commodities which would likely be food. This likely means that gold coins will still be more common than they should but we don't want people casually trading with hundreds of gold coins because that's very unrealistic. Ultimately we're not going for historical accuracy as the game is not in fact set in mediaeval Europe, we've even considered different currency systems but the familiar metals of historical currency have their merits.
Difficulty Scaling:
Better AI is definitely our preferred method of increasing difficulty. Hitting, parrying, dodging etc. is all down to physics and AI decisions. We hope that AI at its best can be competitive with a very skilled player. There isn't much for AI to do yet but already they can use some pretty clever tactics. Also, for example, if you try to run past an NPC they will actually aim and time a blow so that it knocks you off your feet as you run past. Our method for designing AI is often to observe Kieran fighting and teaching AI the same tactics he uses, all AI is limited to the same inputs as a player character and basically we just put an AI player in control.

If we do introduce some kind of difficulty scaling it will definitely be along the lines of better AI, better equipment, harder / more opponents etc. What Chedburn says is however pretty much exactly what we would prefer too.

Massive Battles:

200 vs 200 people in a battle is completely impossible with these physics, the physics require thousands of times more processing than characters using precanned animations. This isn't just an alternative animation system, it's physics, lots of physics. A single apple would require more processing power and bandwidth than a character in many MMOs.

Clientside Characters:

As I said earlier characters would be stored on our servers. Online play with client side characters is just plain silly in our opinion. Unfortunately there are many other ways to cheat in online games, especially action games with even the simplest physics interactions.

Free Server Hosting:

We don't want to introduce subscription fees but we also may not be able to afford free hosting for a large player base. We likely won't have huge resources, we won't be making money from micro-transactions or real money auction houses. If we can avoid it we'll provide the services free of charge but if it's not sustainable we may ask people who want to use online services to pay a small fee. This will likely be so small that you can just pay for 6 months or a year without worrying about the cost. It's quite possible that game sales or major expansions negate the need for any such fees. Also, online services would be completely optional.

First Person:

What you say Tony is pretty much spot on. Games tend to have very mechanical control systems and character movements, a first person view would be confusing and feel unresponsive. And yes, rendering stuff for a first person or isometric view are very different in terms of requirements and methods.

Probably the most important thing though is that the mouse is used to control your character, not the camera. The entire fluidity and fine grained control in the combat would be lost with another view. Isometric views also give you a much clearer idea of what's going on and a good tactical overview. This also goes for viewing and interacting with your environment.

While first person views might be considered more immersive ultimately it's like being half deaf and looking at the world through a tiny shaking window (monitor, no peripheral vision) with one eye (no depth perception), turning around frantically trying to get a sense for your surroundings. Works great for some forms of gameplay but...
Peripheral vision doesn't let you see behind you but in the real world you have good spacial awareness and a whole bunch of acute senses, even with your eyes closed you can have decent idea of your surroundings and know where you're facing, which way is up etc. You also have a neck and eyes that can turn in their sockets, not a camera strapped to your chest. Real hearing is also incredibly good at positioning things in space.

I like some first person shooters and first person views are obviously ideal for that but for RPGs where you do so much more than shoot I just find it frustrating. I also only find first person views immersive when looking at distant things, I don't find them at all realistic when viewing your immediate surroundings.

Either way this isn't about realism, it's about the gameplay experience. As long as you're using a crosshair I don't see a big difference for archery and for everything else I find first person views very clumsy.

There are always tradeoffs but aside from all of the above I think that if you see how characters move in Sui Generis it should be pretty obvious that a first person view would be frustrating to use for anything. An over the shoulder view would already be a better choice but again the control system wouldn't work because you wouldn't have a cursor, the mouse would control the camera instead.
Fluid Effects:
We've only just started with particle effects and the like (blood and fire in video just added during KS campaign) and I've done water simulation in the past. You can expect more effects to appear over time. Fur simulation and actual fluid dynamics is something I don't expect to see in actual games any time soon. Fluid dynamics are definitely pretty cool but I'm not too impressed with many other physics effects anyway.

Modular items:

We want to use modularity extensively in graphics to add more variation. We'd like to have hundreds of different weapons and armours rather than just a few. We're also considering this for other objects. It's not always useful and the combinations can't be that random but variation is always good. The physics aspect of it is not something we looked into much but we would expect the physical properties to vary in many cases.

Water Friction / Buoyancy:

You can already wade through water and the increased fluid friction (aka air resistance) of water affects the physics based animation quite realistically. Currently water is not disturbed by interaction with other objects and I'd say that and buoyancy probably the most important next features for water.

Swimming / Boating:

Swimming and even basic boat travel don't strike me as particularly difficult to do but as always it's a matter of priorities and having a lot of stuff to do in just 18 months. Assuming the game is relatively successful we hope to continue improving it and adding features for some time after release.

Realistic Inventory:

Realism is especially something we're not sure about. We've talked about fully realistic inventory where you might have to drag bags of loot around but while that sounds kind of cool it also sounds kind of tedious. We think you should probably be able to find a suit of armour and take it with you without it becoming a huge endeavour.

Stamina / Locational Damage:

We like this idea too. As we've said before we're still not entirely decided on a damage model, what we have right now is basically health and stamina as one. I'ts hidden in the videos but you have a bar that represents your stamina and this drops significantly when receiving blows etc. and recovers quite quickly. More powerful blows can cause injury and the end of the bar turns red, this recovers much more slowly.

We thought many (most?) combats could end with a combatant's "stamina" being exhausted and hence them being incapacitated or unconcious. At this point you could finish them off effectively bringing the entire bar into the red zone. We could keep a system like this while also introducing additional injury and other mechanics (i.e. being winded, blows to head may result in losing focus).

Realistic Trading:

Yes, we're definitely going to steer clear of the trash loot model, we want to use fairly realistic trading mechanics. Anything you sell to a merchant would remain as a physical item, a merchant might pay based on inventory and demand, quite possibly refusing to buy an item.

Also, a cheap sword would most likely be valued in silver coins, not worth even as much as a single gold coin. Games tend to use gold coins rather generously, in reality they had a very high value.

Realistic Currency:

Something along those lines yes. We won't make it overly realistic because that would just be too complicated, money was messy business in the middle ages. I guess we will scale up from the cheapest commodities which would likely be food. This likely means that gold coins will still be more common than they should but we don't want people casually trading with hundreds of gold coins because that's very unrealistic. Ultimately we're not going for historical accuracy as the game is not in fact set in mediaeval Europe, we've even considered different currency systems but the familiar metals of historical currency have their merits.


Well, we hope to translate the game into some other languages and we're predisposing it for this. Whether we will actually be able to hire translators (especially before release) is another matter and voice acting would be a concern too. For the time being we would invest our resources into more and better content for the game.


This won't work like it does in other games. Your skills don't increase directly from use but rather using them allows you to learn them over time. It won't really matter whether you do something once or a 100 times, using them every so often during play is enough to learn them at the fastest possible rate. You also choose what skills you want to learn, forget or keep level on you skill sheet. We won't release exact details because that might encourage exploits. In general we will take whatever measures we can to ensure that players just play and do things that make sense rather than stand around practicing.

Improving thaumarurgy:

Thaumaturgic power is not a skill, there are skills that aid you in using thaumaturgy more efficiently but mostly not more effectively. We do want to allow some gradual progression of thaumaturgy but ultimately we want becoming a powerful thaumaturge to be difficult and hence involving the death of other thaumaturges, they mostly won't be easy to kill. Generally speaking thaumaturgic power is a big deal with many complications and much of what thaumaturges concern themselves with is related to this (it's a huge part of the lore and events that take place).


The current design for this is that an advanced necromancer would raise undead as a continuous power, this means higher concentration skill is required for more "minions" and there's a trade off with the availability of focus and the ability to use other continuous powers.

Player Housing:

Getting a "normal job" is not currently a planned feature, for the reasons I explained in the text linked above and others. Player housing however is something we do want to introduce. We said that you will be able to carry your character across to new world instances and we are looking at ways to make your home also persist through multiple world instances. Obviously on a new playthrough with the same character the starting conditions will not be the same.


This is hat this thread needs.

A Sticky.
Min. 50 likes.
Needs to be a thread all new members need to read.
Different title maybe? 'Sui Generis - What We Know So Far'
Maybe needs to be duped into gameplay as well, because suggestions just get put everywhere. Or, Bare Mettle needs a suggestion forum and put this in and sticky it.
Hey pal, this isn't a suggestion thread this is just a quote thread. Feel free to click on the arrow next to 'Madox Said:' in order to get to the proper area to discuss it.


Then say it in the first thread, "No feedback allowed". Otherwise someone else might give feedback on the quotes, they're all here after all, very convenient


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