First Negative Review on Steam or Inb4 Negative Reviews Because Difficulty


this bad review just got posted a little while ago, it amazes me quite a bit.

autolock/singletarget lock is something that alot of people on the steam forum have asked for and somehow this guy got it, at least claims to, and guess what; he hates it XD
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Im just gonna say this now.. We spend our time playing video games to waste a bit of time.. im not saying it makes it bad, but its to waste it so we get a bit of fun.
By assuming that you will need to give a game one or two hours to get good at it..
Then i guess EVE online wasent good, any Dota game or heavens earth any game with stragity.


A question for that reviewer: has he ever, in his carpal-tunneled, Gatorade-laced miserable "hardcore gamer" existence, EVER lifted a real sledgehammer? A honest-to-God, small, 5kg (that's five kilos, because fuck imperial measurements) sledgehammer with a short handle? I have, and let me just say, after a dozen swings it feels three times heavier. And unwieldy. And you curse the grandchildren of that idiot who let the handle be intentionally short.

I'm all for things having their weight, balance and (un)usefulness. But then again, I do prefer camera that's locked to my back, because it hurts my brain less to calculate which WASD key should I press to face the opponent and swing sidearm at him. However, if free cam and space key for realignment is the way to go, I think I could live with that, provided that there *are* also 2 keys that allow player character to rotate clockwise and counter-clockwise (this would also be a great way to align your char with what you're looking/aiming at).

Don Kanaille

Believe me, there once was a follow camera in the game. It was absolutely useless because of the fluid character motions, your screen kept rotating like a rollercoaster.

Anyone who whishes for "target lock" doesnt understand the basics of the combat. Turning your character is key to giving weight to attacks, forcing your avatar to constantly look at one enemy completely ruins this. These kinds of people would probably als want autolock for Chivalry.

Getting flanked is dangerous, as it should be... and absolutely preventable. I have no idea how autolock would somehow prevent this.

The game is slower than reality, and that is on purpose. Madoc even said that; they could probably speed it up easily if the wanted to. However it would become unplayble because there is a limit on how fast you can interact and react through a mouse and keyboard.
But even now the torch only takes 3 secs to swing if you make the widest swing possible... unless the "slow torch bug" is back...


On one hand he does make an accurate observation, but on the another he shows he's incapable of learning how controls work and because of that he gives the game a negative review. I fail to see how is that the game's fault though. I had some issues with how characters' controls work in relation to the camera, but I got over it and have no problem at all when fighting from different angles.


Autolock seems silly to me. The ability to quickly manuevre to face threats is essential, and an auto-locking mechanic would be idiotic to have.

What might go a long way is smoother movement during combat. The dashing, half-step feels a bit silly when you're trying to make fine movements to correct your positioning. What might work is slow, constant movement when you hold down movement, and the quick dash for when you tap a direction; that should give you the same level of evasion whilst enabling you to still make precise corrections in footing.


Yeah, you can choose between hold to dash or double tap to dash now. It works pretty much the way SpaceKing described it. I find the hold to dash option to be superior though.

Don Kanaille

Yeah, you can choose between hold to dash or double tap to dash now. It works pretty much the way SpaceKing described it. I find the hold to dash option to be superior though.
I tend to do better with double tap because it is easier for me to get the range of my strikes right and to not over-move. However there are situations in which I´d like to change to hold-mode in a pinch, for example when I fight multiple enemies and try to prevent not getting flanked, or some other instances in which I just want to be really agressive.


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