Feedback 0.6.1


1st of all I would like to salute the developers. The game looks very nice and has a lot of potential.

After playing several hours, here is my feedback.

Vendor :

Lower tier items could be cheaper while high tier item could be more expensive. Items could also have an indication showing what layer they are using. Gambeson 1, Chain 2, and the plate 3. So you can know that buying a chainmail will cover your gambeson allowing you to keep it.

Would it be possible to use different item for your arms ? If you use a shield, removing the left bracer to lower encumbrance ? Or to have a heavier shoulder on the right arm since you use singlehanded weapon only with no shield ?

Combat :

Attacking is weird and a little chaotic. Using the mouse to control an attack while also having to keep your facing toward the enemy is very hard. Maybe if there was an option to lock the camera behind your character, it would be easier to control.

As you know, you can use your fist in the pugilism event. I'd like to have the option to hit an enemy with my fist when he is too close even if I have a weapon. Single and two handed weapon could use their "offhand" hand while sword and shield could use their shield to punch.

Weapons :

So far I like what I see except for 2 things. Mace ( especially twohanded ) should damage a shield, and even destroy it. Swords should do really tiny damage against plate. A sword has no real crushing/slashing/piercing effect against plate. Yes their fast and good to cut unarmoured or lightly armoured stuff.

New features I'd like to see ( just dreaming ).

Armour damage. Your armour should take damage where they get hit and it should then lower their efficiency to protect you. A destroyed armour piece should fall on the ground.

Coop. Yes I'd like to play with my friends against the computer.

A tournament event could be fun. Rewarding the winner with a piece of equipment ( depending on your tier level ).

That's about it for now. Great game and I hope to see more soon :)

co-op/pvp is supposedly coming at some point.

Armor damage...not a friend of that idea. Up to a certain point it's already hard enough to get gear. And especially with all the prefix stuff it would be a shame if you found an "exceptional" vest just to have it torn to pieces in 1-2 blows...because let's be honest...anything that is not made out of metal will be destroyed by a single (un)lucky hit.

Shield destruction...maybe for wooden ones' That would give you a reason to actually try and find metal plated/fullmetal shields.

Combat...personally I disagree on combat being too chaotic. If you actually sit down for 5-10 minutes and actually observe how the game works...combat is super easy.

After having to reinstall the game for 6.1 (6.0.3 had savegame issues after playing for about 2 hours) I made 1 character...and beat all 4 levels without dying just once(in 6.0.3 I didn't even manage to leave the first level...thanks to progress deleting bugs xD)...killing every single enemy without having to resort to glitching etc...including sir.

Are you aware that pressing/holding spacebar adjust the camera? This works during combat. Your thumb should be free, anyway... WASD for the "top" fingers, spacebar for the thumb, little finger for shift to run if necessary.
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The vendor's prices are being balanced, there have been a slew of suggestions from all the players involved. The specific armor pieces is quite a unique idea, probably worth looking into or its own post.

There will be more actions you can do with weapons soonish, including thrust attacks. Not so sure about bashes though.

As for the camera, here's a post by a dev on the Steam forums:
This is and will remain a game with cursor based input and hence a fixed camera - the mouse can only do one thing at a time.

In this case it's an option that people would default to just because it's more familiar from other (completely different) games, but it's just impossible to play this game properly with a constantly shifting camera. The space bar function is for exploration, not combat. Having the camera behind the character in combat is terrible. Having a moving camera makes mouse input impossible, you're just fighting the camera. This is not a 3rd person game, there are very, very, very important reasons for the static camera.

We've explained them in more detail in other threads. If anything reading them might help you understand why this game cannot be played like a 3rd person game. We certainly didn't do it like this to annoy poeple. Once you get past the initial difficulty of something unfamiliar, you will appreciate the necessity for absolute precision and the importance of reliable flawless execution when your life depends on it.
I'm not sure about specific shield damage but there will be skills added eventually that will make shields more and less viable, based on weight, size, etc. The devs have spoken against armor/weapon deprication saying that it will just detract from the fun of exploration, etc. They want it to be a game of combat and exploration, not item managment.

Co-op / pvp, planned. (Low-ping and LAN only)

They haven't confirmed tourneys but the community has really supported the idea.

For a quick list dev quotes on features:

(Mostly based on Sui Generis, but most of it will be in Exanima as well)

For posts by devs on Steam forums:


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