Buying a game


Hello Dear Sirs and Madams :)

So I want to buy this game but there is only the Exanima. So when I buy the exanima later after the Sui Generis come I will have to buy the game too? If so what is the diference? Please can somebody enlight me?
Hello Dear Sirs and Madams :)

So I want to buy this game but there is only the Exanima. So when I buy the exanima later after the Sui Generis come I will have to buy the game too? If so what is the diference? Please can somebody enlight me?
After buying Exanima, you will have to buy Sui Generis. Sui Generis is not yet done. Exanima is a dungeon, Sui Generis is open-world.

You can post bilingually, Someone may be able to speak with you or translate.


Thank you. So features will be same in both games except examina more hack and slash mindless dungeon and SG more like qsts a story?


I'd say that both games are going to be worth the money, and I think Exanima already is. Also both games share the same universe, so it's like playing only one of them doesn't make much sense, at least to me.

Summed up: Exanima is set in the events that lead up to Sui Generis, it's a dungeon crawler set in SG's underworld, while SG will be an open world RPG.

Edit: Which means that both are worth a full game, Exanima isn't to be considered necessarily less than SG or viceversa.


It might be a wise idea to allow people to buy into "Sui Generis" even when it's not finished. A certain game company has been selling virtual ships for years now with no game in-sight. Their revenue model is awesome.

I am still on the fence whether I should buy "Exanima" and not wait for the full game "Sui Generis" to come out...


It might be a wise idea to allow people to buy into "Sui Generis" even when it's not finished. A certain game company has been selling virtual ships for years now with no game in-sight. Their revenue model is awesome.

I am still on the fence whether I should buy "Exanima" and not wait for the full game "Sui Generis" to come out...
Well, Star Citizen does have playable alpha/beta builds out just like Exanima does (which is basically an early, more limited in scope version of SG). I'm fairly certain Madoc does not want to sell people something they can't get their hands on since people are already complaining about not being able to play SG yet despite backing it on Kickstarter... even though Exanima is basically a playable early version of SG.

This is why he hasn't been promoting either game at all really; he wants to wait until Exanima is nearly feature complete before doing so in order to allow people to judge the game in its entirety and not on an incomplete build that is lacking important mechanics/features. As long as they have enough funds to continue development they don't want to push for sales or have widespread advertising/promotion, they prefer to remain under the radar for the time being.

As far as buying Exanima that really depends. Do you want to play/test an early version of a game that is still in development? Do you want to see it constantly expand and give feedback that can potentially influence how the game is developed? Do you want to wait another two years or so to play SG when Exanima is going to offer a taste of SG much sooner (Exanima will have a lot to offer and likely will give you at least a hundred+ hours of gameplay once completed).

Edit: I forgot to mention that even in its current incomplete state Exanima is one of the most unique and innovative games I've played in the past 20 years. For me it's a no-brainer that Exanima is worth playing but I suppose not everyone appreciates the same things.
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Well, Star Citizen does have playable alpha/beta builds out just like Exanima does (which is basically an early, more limited in scope version of SG). I'm fairly certain Madoc does not want to sell people something they can't get their hands on since people are already complaining about not being able to play SG yet despite backing it on Kickstarter... even though Exanima is basically a playable early version of SG.
The core game in Star Citizen isn't playable - far from actually - however, everything I purchase now will be available to me in the alpha/beta build and in the final game. In other words, money I invest now grants me entrance to the final, complete product.

In the case of Exanima: I don't mind putting money in a beta or prelude, but I would like to know - or at least have an understanding - how much the final game will 'set me back' financially on top of my purchase of Exanima.

This is why he hasn't been promoting either game at all really; he wants to wait until Exanima is nearly feature complete before doing so in order to allow people to judge the game in its entirety and not on an incomplete build that is lacking important mechanics/features. As long as they have enough funds to continue development they don't want to push for sales or have widespread advertising/promotion, they prefer to remain under the radar for the time being.
I know how hard it is to 'sell' games in development. Consumer expectation seems to grow with each passing month, without them having the reality check of actual game development: not everything we developers conceive makes it quite that well in the final edition. On the other hand: giving consumers a good warning on the point of purchase, makes them quite elligible to understand the risks involved and vote with their wallet.

As far as buying Exanima that really depends. Do you want to play/test an early version of a game that is still in development? Do you want to see it constantly expand and give feedback that can potentially influence how the game is developed? Do you want to wait another two years or so to play SG when Exanima is going to offer a taste of SG much sooner (Exanima will have a lot to offer and likely will give you at least a hundred+ hours of gameplay once completed).
I wouldn't mind buying "Sui Generis" now and then receive Exanima as a good appetizer in anticipation of the full experience. Buying just the appetizer (even though it seems quite a game on itself) makes me a bit less confident of plunging my money in.

Mind you, I am not trying to come accross as critical or doubtful of the Exanima experience, nor do I want to question the development or anything else. It seems great, that's what got me interested in the first place. All I would like is an option to buy the 'full experience' for a good price, whilst it is still in development, and then know I will be able to play both "Exanima" and "Sui Generis" like the original kickstarter backers. I would even expect this package to be more expensive then the price the original backer had to pay, because they were the first to trust the developers.

I hope I explained myself better this time... I know it's a long read, but might be something for the devs to consider.


@Wizard Exanima is the prelude to SG which takes place 20 years prior to SG and explains some of the events which lead up to SG. If you're looking for the complete experience I'd definitely recommend buying Exanima as well. It's even on sale this week for $12.95 which makes it one of the best deals I've seen considering everything the game offers (in the past two years I've spent over 2,000 hours in Exanima, far more than I've played any other game, ever).

The original KS backers got Exanima for free as a bonus since SG was pushed back after the original development plans changed. Instead of releasing an early alpha version of SG (that wouldn't make much sense due to missing important features and would contain many spoilers) they decided it would be easier to just create a prelude that was more limited in scope (Exanima). This allows them to implement features and mechanics gradually when they're in a playable state while not spoiling incomplete story elements during development. It also allows everything to be tested and polished along the way and for supporters to give feedback during the development process.

The devs were considering offering a discount on SG for those who buy Exanima now, however this is still not 100% certain and more details will be available once SG is closer to release. SG currently isn't for sale since they're focusing on finishing Exanima. What happens with SG will depend a lot on how well Exanima is received post release. Ideally Exanima will be a hit and they'll have enough funds to expand the dev team... but only time will tell ;).
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I have a slightly different question, if you'll indulge me.

Ex Anima sounds like a really cool game, and I want it. One thing that's making me hesitate, though, is the fact that it's still in development. It's far enough along that I'm not worried about not getting a finished product, but I don't want to spoil the game for myself, specifically the story elements, by playing it too early.

What's been your experience with the story in Ex Anima? Is it fresh every time you play, evolving in a similar manner to SG's promised development? Is there a complete lack of story, requiring you to find the story in emergent gameplay? Is the situation somehow different than either of the alternatives I've listed?

Thanks kindly, and from the description I dearly hope Sui Generis hits release at some point. It sounds amazing.


@Jovus the "story" plays out more like a mystery that you're trying to piece together. Paying attention to your surroundings (everything is hand crafted and the areas themselves give you a ton of clues), reading parchments, letters, books, scrolls, eventually dialogue with NPC's and dynamic events that change based upon what you do and where you go, etc. is what the "story" consists of. I put story in quotations because it's not a typical hold-your-hand whilst being force fed a story like many RPG's use; it's up to you to piece things together and some things may be misleading or unclear. For example, just because you read something in a letter doesn't necessarily mean it's true. You're just reading what one person wrote to another but who knows if the author was being sincere or didn't know the truth themselves?

In a recent patch Bare Mettle added various characters you can start the game as which will influence how events play out, give you different dialogue options and also different abilities/potential as things progress.

Lastly, there's an arena mode with progression that offers nearly endless replayability. You can purchase/upgrade gear, participate in many different match types, hire recruits or hirelings to fight as or along side you... it's basically an entire game in and of itself.


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