Any Tabletop RPG players?


I'm running a game for my school friends using the GURPS system and I'm curious of how many people here are into the real RPGs. GURPS, FATE, D&D, Pathfinder, Shadowrun, any system really.


Loved being apart of D&D games whenever I could. But, goddamn, is it hard to find active games nowadays! (in my area, at least...)


Had no clue there were all these diff versions of D&D, played tons when I was a kid, this is what I started on

Oh and played the hell out of Arduin as well.

Started when I was 8 (1980) and I think the last time I played was when I was 18. Loved those games, had lots of fun :)

(No, none of those are my pics, sadly all my stuff has been lost to time)

Don Kanaille

I am part of a regular PnP RPG group. We play the fourth edition of "Das Schwarze Auge" (The Dark Eye), which is the most common PnP here in Germany and whose selling point is the incredibly detailed classic fantasy world. My group is active for about two years now and we just finished our first smaller campaign before the easter break.

I´m getting lots of enjoyment out of our round, as our players work together really well, we have a bunch of interesting characters and a superb game master with more than 15 (!) years of experience.

I admit I´m a bit limited regarding this subject as I only ever played this RPG in this single group, but still I would recommend giving PnP a try if you´re just slightly interested.


I've been a player and gm for d&d 3.5 through 5e, pathfinder, world of darkness and numenera. cant play regularly any more unfortunately primarily due to work.

Don Kanaille

So, just out of curiosity, what characters are or were part of the groups any of you are playing?

The current lineup of my fantasy group consists of

- a hot-headed, claustrophobic disciple of the god of winter and hunting
- a vengeful druid with a perfect memory
- an aging viking formerly pirate with a limp and first signs of dementia
- a rural nobleman´s knighted son with a passion for horse breeding
- a young woman skilled in gold smithing and mechanics from a northeastern trader people

Feel free to guess which one is mine :p

Don Kanaille

For my game, made up of two new PnP players, it's a sneak-thief pyromaniac and a karate-crossbow-knife fighter. Latter is a little silly, but it's whatever.
That sounds more like a class description, but how are these characters like? You know, besides their fighting style. At least regarding my experience, what makes a character interesting is, to a small part, his backstory, and to a bigger part, his flaws.

Also, what genre of RPG are we talking about?^^

If you're not the limping, aging viking formerly known as pirate who shows the first signs of dementia, then I'll eat my own hat
Your hat will remain uneaten, then :p

I didn´t expect it to be that obvious. But it´s pretty entertaining portraying someone quite unlike my real self in PnP, with clear strenghts (tough, strong, brave, experienced, can drink a freakin lot) and weaknesses (slow, not agile, superstitious, forgets things he doesn´t write down, mourns his son who got lost on a raid). It´s a nice contrast to Larping, which I also do, but where my characters tend to be a lot closer to my real personality for the sake of believability.


That sounds more like a class description, but how are these characters like? You know, besides their fighting style. At least regarding my experience, what makes a character interesting is, to a small part, his backstory, and to a bigger part, his flaws.

Well one of my players is a pyromaniac and a klepto, while the other one is just kinda there. They're both new to the idea of the RPG that i'm running, and if they have ever played a PnP game it was probably hack-n-slash dungeon crawl.

The genre is realistic European-medieval type deal. No magic. Yet.


I used to be very active tabletop RPG player but has been a long time since I've had a proper session going on. Mostly player GURPS in at least following settings:

- Fallout
- Warhammer
- Hârn
- Vampire: The Masquerade

The problem is that my main tabletop group dispered a very long time ago and haven't been able to find one since. It is surprisingly difficult to find a bunch of people to gather around table once in a while, I tell you.


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