Random Clipping Bug *Minor Spoilers for Campaign*

Zach Bell

Hey Guys, first off, I backed this game a long time ago, and after recently getting Exanima, I would like to say keep up the good work. The physics makes me jumpy when I fight, makes me feel like I need to be extremely careful, and that the risks I take are (sometimes, damn zombies) well worth the rewards.

I just upgraded to .42, and the combat does seem much smoother, but a recent clipping bug just ruined my beautiful campaign (and I actually thought I was going to finally get past my last point). *Spoilers Here (I guess)* After acquiring the key to unlock the doors near where you start (room with 4 pillars in middle, and 2 lights by wall), I encountered a zombie with a 2h Axe. When I was fighting by the overturned wheel barrel, my leg clipped through the base of the wheel barrel, and my my character is stuck inside of it, and what i mean by this is, 1 leg is going through the wheel barrel, and the rest of my body is flopping on the ground. Lucky for me, i'm stuck inside the walls of the wheel barrel, so this little bastard can't axe me to death, but sadly, I just flop around trying to get up and unstuck, can't even turn the camera, and I need to start over. The one humorous part of this, my flopping around lets me slightly move it, so I can trip him up, which is comical in itself.

I know its beta, I know dying (and by dying, I mean dying a lot) will happen, but just found this crucially detrimental to moving forward if I get clipped like this again. I do know its a soft beta, I know there is probably a lot more programming to go to prevent this from happening, but just bringing this to your attention. I'm very glad I do not get my arm stuck on the wall now, but my leg going through the wheel barrel is even more unbelievable haha.

Keep up the good work guys, I'm loving everything so far, and I can't wait for the magic traits to get introduced.


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