Coffee Diary 27/3/23


Hey Exanimates,

This week has been laser focused on implementing more force powers. There was a bit of an initial hill to climb with developing some core visual effects, but these turned out looking great. Our focus with the effects is making them look somewhat realistic and "solid", also in terms of how they move and interact with things, rather than just some visual indicator. They did turn out looking quite impressive though and keep improving as we do more, so we then go back and look at what we've already done to keep it consistent and up to the same standards.

We've since been working through specific power mechanics and controls, polishing and optimising. There's still a few powers we want to add for testing, but we've got the main foundational stuff developed for all of them. Right now we're working on adding some more casting animations and the character related mechanics, such how they interact with other actions, how casting might get interrupted and so on. Where appropriate we're trying to introduce somewhat of an action skill element in terms of timing, distancing and other inputs or controls.

As usual we like to tackle what seems most challenging and uncertain first, we're in a good place with force now so we might briefly turn our attention to sorting out a few other things so we can update the testing branch before completing force.

Have a great week!
-the BM team


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