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  1. S

    Map Editor & Worlds

    I'm currently playing through Fallout 3 on the PC with a pile of mods, and loving it! I can't agree with you more. A map editor would be a wonderful place to start. I would like to create Arakis!
  2. S

    Limited followers

    It would also be lots more work for the devs. You'd have to program follower AI for a squad of 2, 3,...,9,10. And what if there were 2 ranged followers, a dude with a pole arm and some sneaky thief types. It would be really easy to ruin great AI by having too many followers. Not to say it...
  3. S

    Message in "Plot"?

    As long as there isn't an easily abused wait mechanism...
  4. S

    Message in "Plot"?

    This seems only to be true if the owner of the house is oblivious to the fact that they've been robbed. If they upgraded the locks, got a dog, or stayed up all night with a crossbow pointed at the door, grinding houses for cash would be much more difficult!
  5. S

    Message in "Plot"?

    This is interesting! I think that allowing the player to rape and kill an entire family is rather uneccessary. I don't really see what allowing that kind of sadistic behavior adds to the game, if someone really wants to role play that perhaps they should go see a shrink. However, medieval...
  6. S

    How much are the developers reading into our suggestions?

    I agree, cornerning the meat market is the best place to start! Or you could take your cleavers to the competition ;)
  7. S

    Inventory handling

    If I recall correctly becoming rich will not be a main point of the game. There may be no need to sell every little thing you find. Why should you expect to pick up every single weapon your opponents used? I actually like to idea of being required to leave behind potentially useful things. It...
  8. S

    Website loginBar

    Yes, but it seems to be very intermittent. I only use chrome.
  9. S

    How much money has been raised through Paypal?

    Not to mention they were WORKING FOR FREE up until this point. I think the Barre Mettle guys (and gal) might be dedicated individuals.
  10. S

    T-Shirt Designs

    I'm sure it's been said, but I'll say it again. Thanks to everyone that contributed to the shirts, you're the best part of the community! I have little doubt you helped push us over the edge. I can't wait to play this game! I think I might play a masochistic character that loves to take...
  11. S

    T-Shirt Designs

    That image alone would have made a noticeable contribution!
  12. S


    Now the terrible waiting begins... I can't wait for the development videos!
  13. S

    Will we make it?

    Third times the charm? That's where I found out about Sui Generis...
  14. S

    Will we make it?

    Should someone try again on Reddit and places like that?
  15. S

    30Euro Pledge Level

    That's exactly the conclusion I came to as well! Hopefully I can get a solid Imperial Pint out of it, rather than a wimpy American Pint...
  16. S

    30Euro Pledge Level

    My god you're right! They do want more of my money, I totally spaced the add-ons! time to go check the bank account. And I suppose my pledge is in pounds not Euros. Those crafty brits, avoiding the whole currency collapse thing... Thanks for the heads up! I feel a little foolish now...
  17. S

    Will we make it?

    Lets hope that this latest update gets the cash rolling in!
  18. S

    30Euro Pledge Level

    So I've already pledged 40 Euros, will I not get to see the cool videos that come out during development? If I choose to receive the 30 Euro reward will I not get beta access? I'm confused! Seems like Barre Mettle wants me to reduce my pledge, not that I would of course! The videos you've put...
  19. S

    World Traveling

    Don't worry, they'll restore your hard drive once you beat the quest without cheating!
  20. S

    Character Replacements

    Didn't skyrim claim to do this? I never noticed, but perhaps I should have killed more!


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